Meeting Minutes for March 2021

  1. Meeting Minutes - February 2021

    • February 2021 meeting minutes were read to meeting attendees.

  2. New Business

    • Approve meeting minutes for February 2021

      • Motion to approve minutes was made by Patrica Todd and seconded by Camille Worthington.

      • Motion was approved by unanimous consent.

  3. Candidates

    • Chris Woods - Candidate for Mayor of Birmingham

      • Mr. Woods was allowed 3 minutes to introduce himself to the neighborhood and answer any questions.

      • Voters can visit for more information about his candidacy and his vision for the city.

  4. Reports

    • CSNA Officer Reports

      • Former Comer School Property

        • Property is currently owned by Altamont School

        • Beginning demolition of buildings 1 and 2

          • Gym building is remaining until they figure out what to do with the entire property

        • Nothing is being done on the property other than razing the buildings and rerouting some electrical, may be some additional fencing put up around the perimeter similar to what is already there.

          • No plans to build at this time, demolition is in response to vacant building issues

      • Potential Neighborhood Project - Lighting for Clairmont Walking Trail

        • The Clairmont Walking Trail Committee submitted a list of desired improvements to Councilor Hunter Williams, including improving the current lighting along the trail.

          • An engineering study was conducted on behalf of this request to determine how more lighting can be added to the trail.

          • Alabama Power provided an estimate of $120,000 for the project.

            • The proposal would require the neighborhood to provide $20,000 to move the project forward.

          • Style of lighting would be a continuation of what is already in place along the trail.

        • Counselor Williams presented an option to partially fund the project from CSNA funds and Crestwood South Inc. funds.

          • Current neighborhood account balance at $27,227.05

            • Non-Capital: $17,690.24

            • Capital: $9,536.81

        • In order to provide proper notice and receive feedback from Crestwood South residents, the discussion was tabled to be addressed at the April 26th neighborhood meeting with intentions to conduct a vote on this matter at that meeting.

        • Clairmont Walking Trail Committee meeting will take place April 5th at 6 PM.

    • Fire

      • Not present.

    • Police

      • Report provided via email.

      • Personal Hygiene Drive

        • BPD is holding a personal hygiene drive in honor of Women’s History Month.

          • Donations can be dropped off March 1st through March 29th at the BPD East Precinct, 600 Red Lane Road, Birmingham, AL 35215.

    • Birmingham Library - Vincent Solfronk

      • Online programs available including programs honoring Women’s History Month.

      • Summer reading programs are starting.

        • Drive through kick off event happening June 5th at Downtown location.

      • BPL Board is voting to expand hours of Downtown location.

    • Public Works - Arthur Wilder

      • Attended but could not participate due to technical difficulties.

    • CRR - Harold Houston

      • Not present.

  5. State & City Representatives

    • Alabama House of Representatives

      • Neil Rafferty, Representative District 54

        • Offered support of Clairmont Walking Trail lighting project.

        • Continuing to fight for Medicaid expansion, especially in consideration of the COVID 19 pandemic.

        • Terri Michal asked about recent legislation related to charter school funding.

          • Rep. Rafferty said he would review the related legislation.

        • John Lanier asked about Cemetery Commision bill for Birmingham HB194

          • Rep. Rafferty reported that the bill has made its way through the House and is awaiting hearing in the Senate.

        • John Lanier also asked about HB7

          • Rep. Rafferty said this bill was a priority for him but needed to check on the status of the bill.

        • Constituents can contact Rep. Rafferty at or (205) 215-8270.

    • City Council Representatives

      • Hunter Williams, Councilor, District 2

        • Speed bumps on Cresthill Road

          • City requires 75% approval from Cresthill Road residents in order to install traffic calming speed bumps.

            • Voting has not yet been completed at the time of this meeting but projected results indicate the majority of residents are not in favor.

        • Traffic calming study for 56th Street / Crestwood Blvd

          • Scheduled for engineering analysis in the fourth quarter of this year.

      • Valerie A. Abbott, Councilor, District 3

        • Reminded that the Council meeting is March 23rd.

          • Currently only handling critical City business.

        • Noted that she is running for her seat again.

        • District 3 town hall meeting will take place virtually on March 23rd at 6:00 PM.

    • School Board

      • Terri Michal, District 2

        • Regular work session March 23rd to address school calendar.

          • Proposed calendar to start school in August.

      • Mary Boehm, District 3

        • Not present.

  6. Announcements

    • Neighborhood Association Elections - March 30, 2021 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM

      • The following nominees are running for positions for the Crestwood South Neighborhood Association

        • President: Camille Worthington

        • Vice-President: Elizabeth Murray

        • Secretary: Kayla MacNeil

      • Voting Locations

        • Hooper City Recreation 3901-4th Street W Birmingham, AL

        • Memorial Park 524 6th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205

        • Hawkins Recreation Center 8920 Roebuck Blvd. Birmingham, AL 35206

        • Legion Field 400 Graymont Avenue West Birmingham, AL 35204

    • Upcoming Bulk Trash & Brush Pickup - April 8th, April 22nd

    • Curbside Recycling Pickup - April 7th

    • Next Meeting - April 26th