Meeting Agenda for February 2022

Crestwood South Neighborhood Association -

  1. Read & Approve Previous Meeting Minutes - January 2022

  2. Candidates

    • Brit Blalock - Candidate for AL House District 54

  3. Reports

    • Officer Report

    • Fire

    • Police

    • Birmingham Library - Vincent Solfronk

    • Public Works - Arthur Wilder

    • CRR - Harold Houston

    • CAB - Elizabeth Murray

  4. State & City Representatives

    • AL House of Representatives

      • Neil Rafferty, District 54

    • City Council Representatives

      • Hunter Williams, Councilor, District 2

      • Valerie A. Abbott, Councilor, District 3

    • School Board

      • Neonta Williams, District 2

      • Mary Boehm, District 3

  5. New Business

    • Crestwood Park Pickleball Courts - Montal Morton, Birmingham Park and Recreation Board

    • NUSA Conference - Little Rock, Arkansas May 4-7, 2022

      • $2,500 per delegate

      • Requests must be submitted by March 1, 2022

  6. Announcements

    • Brush pickup date(s) -

    • Recycling pickup dates - December 6th, December 20th

    • Next meeting - January 24, 2022