Meeting Minutes for April 2022

Crestwood South Neighborhood Association -

  1. Read & Approve Previous Meeting Minutes - March 2022

    • March 2022 meeting minutes were read to meeting attendees.

      • Motion to approve minutes was made by Renee Tucker and seconded by Patricia Todd.

        • Motion was approved by unanimous consent.

  2. Candidates

    • Felicia Rucker-Sumerlin, Candidate for Jefferson County Sheriff

      • Ms. Rucker-Sumerlin was allowed 3 minutes to introduce herself to the neighborhood and answer any questions about her campaign.

      • Information about Ms. Rucker-Sumerlin's campaign can be found at

  3. Reports

    • Officer Report

      • Transitioning to in-person meetings

        • Officers are working with The Arc of Central Alabama to determine if CSNA can return to in-person meetings at their building.

        • Officers have also been offered the Crestwood Tavern as a potential meeting location if the ARC is no longer available to the neighborhood.

          • Attendees discussed the pros and cons of hosting neighborhood meetings at Crestwood Tavern.

        • Patricia Todd noted she would be interested in helping increase meeting attendance.

      • Jasmine Fells is no longer our CRR. 

        • Until we are assigned a new CRR, Community Resource Services Division Deputy Director Alice Williams will be representing our neighborhood. She can be reached at or via phone at (205) 297-8085.

      • Crestwood Blvd clean up prior to World Games

        • CAB recommended organizing a clean up closer to the dates of the World Games.

    • Fire

      • Not present.

    • Police - Jessica Burton

    • Birmingham Library - Vincent Solfronk

      • Not present.

      • Check out for library events and program offerings.

    • Public Works - Arthur Wilder

      • Vice President Elizabeth Murrary noted that City crews had recently trimmed some trees along the Clairmont Walking trail that have not yet been disposed of.

      • To report public works issues to Mr. Wilder, call 205-254-2061 or email

    • CAB - Elizabeth Murray

      • Birmingham City Council approved the redrawing of its district boundaries in accordance to population changes from the 2020 census results.

      • All Birmingham residents qualify for flood insurance through whether they live in a floodplain or not.

  4. Representatives

    • City Council Representatives

      • Hunter Williams, Councilor, District 2

        • Not present.

      • Valerie A. Abbott, Councilor, District 3

        • Discussed district changes due to census results.

        • Noted ongoing littering issues happening around the City and efforts to address them.

    • School Board

      • Neonta Williams, District 2

        • Not present.

      • Mary Boehm, District 3

        • Provided updates on new state legislation from the recent session.

          • Teacher pay raise has been mandated.

          • Numeracy Act - goal of boosting math education through the fifth grade.

        • BSC Teacher of the Year

          • Two finalists were nominated from District 3 schools.

        • Patrica Todd asked how recently passed legislation criminalizing medical care for young transgender people who are transitioning, bathroom and locker mandates based on assigned gender identity and limits on classroom discussions on gender and sexual orientation would impact educators and students in Birmingham.

          • Representative Boehm noted that the Board has not yet addressed ramifications of these new laws.

  5. Announcements

    • Brush pickup dates - May schedule not yet released.

    • Recycling pickup dates - May 4th, May 18th

    • Next meeting - May 23rd