Meeting Minutes for September 2019

September 23, 2019

  • President: Kayla MacNeil

  • Vice President: Elizabeth Murray

  • Secretary: Steven MacNeil

  1. New Business

    • August Meeting Minutes

      • Motion to approve made by Todd Snyder, seconded by Sandy Melof

    • MLK Breakfast Table

      • Planned for January 20, 2020

      • Tickets will cost $400 for a table for 8

      • President MacNeil suggested the possibility of inviting Putnam students

  2. Reports

    • Officer Reports

      1. Project update - Dog waste stations

        1. Three installed at Clairmont Walking Trail, three remain to be installed

      2. Project update - Street sign toppers

        1. Street sign toppers have been ordered and produced, awaiting installment

    • CAB - Elizabeth Murray

      • Speaking with Arthur Wilder, Public Works, VP Murray learned that there is someone in training that be overtaking his role

    • Fire/Police

      • Officer Wells, BPD

        • Monthly stats for Crestwood Community, including both Crestwood North and South:

          • 10 burglaries

          • 7 auto break-ins

          • 0 auto thefts

          • 1 robbery

  3. City Representatives

    • Hunter Williams, City Councilor (represented by India Bailey)

      • Is following up on cleaning up walking trail for National Night Out

    • Valerie Abbott, City Councilor (represented by Patrice Collins)

      • Councilor Abbott would like to remind residents to call 311 before calling her office for actionable concerns

      • The city has free tickets to UAB games available

    • Teri Michael, School Board Member

      • October 8th special election ballot initiative to renew tax allocation that raises $32M for the city schools

        • Absentee ballots are available on the 3rd floor of City Hall

      • Putnam was broken into within the last week; the principal’s office was ransacked and security wands were stolen

      • Investigating issues with air conditioning

  4. Announcements

    • National Night Out - October 1, 2019

      • Table hosts contact

    • Brush pickup date - October 16, 2019

    • Next meeting - October 28, 2019