Meeting Minutes for July 2021

I. Read Meeting Minutes - June 2021

  • June 2021 meeting minutes were read to meeting attendees.

II. Candidates

  • William Bell - Candidate for Mayor

    • Mayor Bell was allowed 3 minutes to introduce himself to the neighborhood and answer any questions from residents.

    • Voters can visit for more information about his candidacy and his vision for the city of Birmingham.

III. New Business

  • Approve meeting minutes for June 2021

    • Motion to approve minutes was made by Patrica Todd and seconded by Vincent Solfronk.

      • Motion was approved by unanimous consent.

  • Approve funding for dog waste station bags on Clairmont Walking Trail

    • Motion to approve $450.00 in neighborhood funding for dog waste station bags on Clairmont Walking Trail was made by Vincent Solfronk and seconded by Patricia Todd.

      • Motion was approved by unanimous consent.

IV. Reports

  • Officer Reports

    • None.

  • Fire - Lt. Vernon, BFD in Avondale

    • Encouraged residents to get their vaccine. Many emergency calls recently have been due to COVID illness.

    • Encouraged residents to drink water when doing outdoor activities due to increased temperatures outside.

  • Police - Sgt. Hutchison

    • Encouraged residents to lock their vehicles and remove any valuables from vehicles.

  • Birmingham Library - Vincent Solfronk

    • Summer reading programs are winding down.

    • Reminder that the libraries are open from 10-6 for all libraries.

      • Certain locations open on Sundays.

    • Notary and passport services are available. Call and set up an appointment.

    • Meeting rooms are now available to the public.

    • Mr. Solfronk is now manager at Springville Huffman branch.

  • Public Works - Arthur Wilder

    • To report public works issues to Mr. Wilder call 205-254-2061 or email

    • Next brush pickup is August 12th.

    • Renee Tucker reported that her recycling was not picked up on 50th Place South.

  • CRR - Harold Houston

    • To report neighborhood issues to Mr. Houston, call 205-254-2523

    • Neighborhood allocations currently stand at these amounts:

      • Non-capital: $9,227.05

      • Capital: $0.00

      • Total: $9,227.05

    • New Officer refresher training taking place on August 7th.

  • CAB - Liz Murray

    • Liz noted that the CAB meetings are now taking place in person and was not aware they are no longer virtual.

V. City Representatives

  • City Council Representatives

  • Hunter Williams, Councilor, District 2

    • Cresthill Road speed reduction efforts.

      • Request has been put in for funding from the City instead of paying through neighborhood funding.

  • Valerie A. Abbott, Councilor, District 3

    • Usual city business on the agenda for the upcoming Council meeting.

      • Logging ordinance on the agenda to control logging properties within the city.

  • School Board

    • Terri Michal, District 2

      • School starting August 2nd.

        • Waiting on info about masks from state department.

        • Representative Michals stated that she feels all employees and children under 12 should wear masks to school. Will be encouraging the superintendent to mandate masks for these groups.

      • Danny Carr, Helping Families Initiative

        • Donations of school supplies has been provided through this program.

      • Putnum Middle School recently appointed a new principal.

    • Mary Boehm, District 3

      • Not present.

VI. Announcements

  • Brush pickup dates - August 12th

  • Curbside Recycling pickup - August 4th, August 18th

  • Next meeting - August 23rd