Meeting Minutes for January 2021

I Meeting Minutes - November 2020

  • November 2020 meeting minutes were read to meeting attendees.

    • Renee Tucker: Add discussed neighborhood was interested in donating and when Teri Michal requested funding later

II New Business

  • Approve November 2020 minutes

    • Motion to approve minutes with correction was made by John Lanier and seconded by Camille Worthington.

    • Motion was approved by unanimous consent.

III Reports

  • Police - Jessica Burton, Lt. Nicosia

    • Reported various crimes within Crestwood Community

      • Slight increase in vehicle break-ins, reminder to lock vehicles and store away valuables

      • Recommended watching mailboxes carefully

        • If any theft report with USPS and BPD

    • Amy Ware

      • Asked about kidnapping that happened in Crestwood South

      • Lt. Nicosia could not confirm details but will report back

    • John Lanier

      • Complimented BPD with increased traffic and speed presence on Crestwood Blvd

  • Fire - Capt. J. Kolodziej

    • Smoke detector installations, 205-595-5801

      • Will schedule appt to install smoke detectors

    • Amy Ware

      • Asked about the amount of detectors they can install for a single household. Capt said it depends on how many they have available at that time.

  • Birmingham Library - Vincent Solfronk

    • All BPL are open partially through the week and still doing curbside pickup/dropoff.

      • Hours are available on BPL website.

    • Almost all full time staff and most part time staff are back.

  • CRR - Harold Houston

    • Neighborhood Elections

      • Postponed until further notice and no additional updates at this time

      • Liz Murray

        • Spoke with Alice

          • Aiming for March date

    • Provided trash & brush pickup schedule for February

    • Dog waste station

      • Bags installed

      • Liz Murray

        • Dog waste stations are already empty in some stations on the trail.

          • Harold reported this and the bags will be installed.

          • 919-2540 - Charles Brundige

    • Neighborhood Allocations

      • Non-capital projects: $17,690.24

      • Capital projects: $9,536.81

      • Total: $27,227.05

  • Public Works - Arthur Wilder - 205-254-2061,

    • 5 properties written up that will be mowed by Public Works

IV City Representatives

  • City Council Representatives

    • Hunter Williams, Councilor, District 2 represented by India Bailey

      • Sent in request about more lighting in Crestwood Park

        • Still coordinating a time to meet with P&R and AP on cost and logistics

      • Sent requests about walking trail to be cleaned up regularly

      • Liz Murray asked about an update on Trinity Property development, but no updates at this time.

    • Valerie A. Abbott, Councilor, District 3

      • City Council is holding virtual meetings

      • Currently only things that can be considered at meetings are pandemic related expenditures and routine necessary city expenditures.

  • School Board

    • Terri Michal, District 2

      • Little Library

        • All six are funded

        • Neighborhood can donate funds or books to LL

      • Staying virtual until end February. Will reevaluate and see if in person teaching can resume or will remain virtual.

      • Superintendent looking into starting school earlier in July to prevent summer slide

    • Mary Boehm, District 3

      • 1/26 D7 an election for empty board seat 

      • 1/26 board meeting work session to vote on proposed charter school

        • Housed at current location of southern museum of flight

      • Early College program featured on local news.

      • Ramsay basketball game basketball rim fell down

        • Inspecting facilities to make sure this doesn’t happen again

V Announcements

  • Upcoming Bulk Trash & Brush Pickup - Feb. 3rd, Feb. 24th

  • Curbside Recycling Pickup - Feb. 3rd

  • Next Meeting - Feb. 22nd