Meeting Minutes for August 2023

August 2023 Minutes

I Present August 2023 Agenda

  • August 2023 agenda was presented to meeting attendees.

II Read July 2023 Meeting Minutes

  • July 2023 meeting minutes were read to meeting attendees.

III New Business

  • Approve August 2023 Agenda

    • Motion to approve the agenda for the August 28, 2023 neighborhood association meeting was made by Steven MacNeil and seconded by Renee Tucker.

      • Motion was approved by unanimous consent.

  • Approve meeting minutes for July 2023

    • Motion to approve minutes was made by Rebecca Rogers and seconded by Marybeth Nicodemus.

      • Motion was approved by unanimous consent.

  • Dog Waste Station Bag Refills - Clairmont Walking Trail

    • Dog waste stations along the Clairmont Walking Trail require replenishing.

    • Motion to allocate $500.82 to the Parks & Recreation Department of the City of Birmingham for the purchase of six (6) cartons of dog waste bags to replenish the existing dog waste stations along the Clairmont Walking Trail was made by Steven MacNeil and seconded by Charles Worthington.

      • Motion was approved by unanimous consent.

  • Variance Request - ZBA2023-00026

    • Crestwood North residents, Brennan and Rutherford Yeates, have submitted a variance request for their property at the corner of Crestwood Blvd and 57th St S.

      • If granted, the variance would allow the property owner to build a 6ft aluminum fence in the front yard along Crestwood Boulevard and 57th Street South.

    • Outcome from previous neighborhood meeting:

      • While the property is within the boundaries of Crestwood North neighborhood, the variance request was sent for the Crestwood South Neighborhood Association to review for the July 2023 meeting due to proximity and shared roadway of Crestwood Blvd.

      • The resident requesting the variance was extended an invitation to the CSNA meeting to present their request, but declined to attend.

      • CSNA officers presented the proposed site plan and example image provided by Kimberly Speorl, Zoning Administrator for the Planning, Engineering & Permits Department, during the neighborhood meeting.

      • Neighbors discussed the variance request and the potential impact to the community. A motion was passed to not support the requested variance.

    • The Zoning Board asked the property owners to attend CSNA’s August 2023 Neighborhood Meeting and present their request.

      • The property owner noted they are asking for the variance for a taller fence for more privacy, preventing illegal parking and littering on the lot, and safety for their dog.

        • The property owner noted that they have reduced the overall height of the fence at its tallest point from 8 feet to 6 feet. The portion of the fence in front of their dwelling would be 4 feet tall, and the other fence length would be 6 feet. They also noted that the Birmingham Department of Transportation approved the proposed site plan.

        • The property owner provided updated visual renderings of the potential design of the fence.

      • Vice President Murray asked about implications of setting a precedent if the neighborhood voted to approve the variance request.

        • Kimberly Speorl, Zoning Administrator for the Planning, Engineering & Permits Department, responded that the Zoning Advisory Board considers all variance requests on a case by case basis. No precedent would be set for future variance requests if the neighborhood voted to approve this variance request.

        • Ms. Speorl also advised that the neighborhood can provide suggestions on the design of the fence with their approval on the variance.

    • Motion to support variance zoning request ZBA2023-00026 with the recommendation the portion of the fences facing the boulevard have a slatted design was made by John Davis and seconded by Marybeth Nicodemus.

      • The motion passed with unanimous voice consent.

IV Presentations

  • Marybeth Nicodemus - Crestwood Beautification

    • Ms. Nicodemus presented the neighborhood with updates on ongoing beautification efforts and ideas for new beautification projects.

      • Litter Clean Up

        • Clean ups are organized every other month.

        • Next clean up - Saturday September 30th

        • Adopt-A-Street Litter Management Program in Crestwood South

          • 9 of 31 sections adopted

          • If interested in participating, click here to sign up.

      • Neighborhood Signage

        • Ms. Nicodemus presented different potential designs and placements of neighborhood entry signage.

        • Secretary MacNeil suggested creating a survey to gather neighborhood sentiment on entry signage in an effort to narrow down options.

        • If interested in joining the Crestwood South Neighborhood Beautification Committee, reach out to Ms. Nicodemus at

V Reports

  • Officer Reports

    • No CSNA meeting in September.

    • Household Hazardous Waste Event - October 21, 2023

      • Jefferson County Commission is funding a fall household hazardous waste event at the two Jefferson County Highway Camps on Saturday, October 21, 2023, from 8:00am – 11:30am. 

        • Site 1: Jefferson County Camp Bessemer, 3295 King Street, Bessemer, AL 35023

        • Site 2:  Jefferson County Camp Ketona, 131 County Shop Road, Birmingham, AL 35217

  • Fire

    • Not present.

  • Police - Regina Mills, Crime Prevention Officer for East Precinct

    • Thanked neighbors for attending this year’s National Night Out.

    • Provided crime stats for Eastern Precinct.

    • Safety Tips

      • Noted increase in bike thefts. Encouraged neighbors to securely lock their bikes.

      • Encouraged neighbors to be proactive about reporting suspicious activity through the 311 app.

    • Area Block Watch Mix and Mingle

      • August 31st at 6 PM at the East Precinct.

    • To contact Ms. Mills, call (205) 933-4110.

  • Public Works - Arthur Wilder

  • CRR - Harold Houston

VI City Representatives

  • City Council Representatives

    • Hunter Williams, Councilor, District 2 (Represented by India Bailey)

      • Ms. Bailey provided an update on several previous neighborhood complaints.

        • Sidewalk maintenance on 47th is in the queue.

        • Downed power lines on Crestwood Blvd

          • No timeline but would continue reaching out to Alabama Power.

        • Crestwood Park

          • Erosion issues by Pickleball/Tennis courts will be addressed some time in early September.

    • Valerie A. Abbott, Councilor, District 3

      • Predatory Towing Ordinance

        • Birmingham City Council held a public hearing at its weekly council meeting on a proposed ordinance regulating commercial parking downtown. The changes are aimed to help stop predatory towing.

        • Will be voted on at the next council meeting.

      • Magic City ToolBank

        • Birmingham City Council voted Aug. 22 to approve a $345,000 agreement with ToolBank USA Inc. to develop a 5,000-square-foot facility that will house tools and equipment to assist with projects through a Birmingham ToolBank affiliate to be called Magic City ToolBank.

  • School Board

    • Neonta Williams, District 2

      • Not present.

    • Mary Boehm, District 3

      • Contribution to Avondale Elementary

        • Ms. Boehm expressed gratitude to the Crestwood South Neighborhood Association for its contribution to Avondale Elementary.

        • Avondale Parents/PTA collected a total of $25,000 from CSNA, Forest Park/South Avondale Neighborhood Association and individual contributions for summer school programming.

      • Volunteer Opportunities

        • Page Pals

          • The City of Birmingham is partnering with Birmingham City Schools and the community to improve student reading ability. 

          • Page Pals is a reading initiative created in partnership with BCS to increase reading proficiency for elementary school students, specifically K-3. 

        • STAIR

          • STAIR is a childhood literacy nonprofit that trains volunteer tutors to partner with 1st and 2nd-grade students on their reading

VII Announcements

  • Upcoming Bulk Trash & Brush Pickup - TBD

  • Recycling pickup dates - September 6th, 20th

  • Next meeting - October 23, 2023